Frank was on shore leave during the course of the sixth Jane Austen mystery, Jane and the Prisoner of Wool House, living with his young wife, Mary, his future wife, Martha, and the female members of his family in hired lodgings in Southampton, a short sail up the Solent from Portsmouth. Although Southampton suffered terribly from German bombing runs on the docks, vestiges of the old walled city Jane knew can still be found--a sort of treasure hunt for any Austen fan with a copy of In the Footsteps of Jane Austen tucked into her purse. There's Castle Square (although the house is gone) where Jane lived and the Dolphin Inn, with its bow window, where she danced at the Assembly despite her advancing spinsterhood.
I stayed at the Dolphin while I was in town--and although it has since been smartly renovated, the arched carriage entrance to the inner courtyard still gives a sense of the coaching inn it must have been two hundred years ago. One imagines all sorts of people hastening from London to take ship in Southampton, and stopping the night at the Dolphin; I would use it again in the next novel, Jane and the Ghosts of Netley, when Lord Harold Trowbridge gave Jane a lesson in the use of his dueling pistols in the Dolphin's yard.
And of course, there is the Wool House still sitting as it has for seven hundred years facing the quay, a square, utilitarian, medieval building erected by Cistercian monks--the same ones who were housed at Netley Abbey across the Solent in the 14th century. It was once a center of the English wool trade, most recently it housed Southampton's Maritime Museum, and is currently up for redevelopment by the town council--but in Jane's day, the Wool House served as a temporary prison for French seamen. She must have passed it often as she walked briskly down the High and turned left, toward the little theatre where she enjoyed attending plays.
The French sailors kept in the Wool House would have been held only temporarily, awaiting exchange for English sailors taken in battle with the French. The notion of exchange is a strange one for most of us moderns; we assume that once taken prisoner, a seaman would be sidelined for the duration of the war. But in Jane's day, POW camps were unheard of. Officers taken prisoner were often housed by their Enemy brethren, and treated with the respect demanded by rank, dining at table with their former combatants and attempting to converse in each other's language. In a matter of days or weeks they returned cordially to the business of killing each other. The process seems almost civilized, in retrospect--an honourable approach to the notion of warfare that probably ended decades later somewhere in the Crimea.
Standing in front of Wool House one July day, however, I felt a shiver as I imagined the men held within, and Jane walking by. The Wool House's windows would have offered glimpses of unknown French faces, or snatches of French song drifting to the street. Or perhaps a plea for aid, from a French prisoner to an unknown Enlishwoman, whose brother was a naval officer...
The cover of this particular novel is my favorite of all the Jane books. It so perfectly captures the color of the sea, the sense of wind off the Solent, even the possibility of hope--as Jane gazes out at the horizon. Enjoy!
Lovely Stephanie. Walking in Austen's footsteps is an adventure I one day hope to experience. Thanks for sharing your travelogue in Janeland! Love the photos. The Prisoner of the Wool House has been one of favorites in the series because of the Royal Navy connections. I too have a fine naval fervour.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised the Wool House is still there with the havoc wreaked by Henry the VIII on the Cistercian Monks. Wonderful blog post...thank you!
ReplyDeleteYet again your novels pique curiosity: after Genius I hungered for more history of Edward and his Lizzy, and now I'm curious about Frank's journey from this East India convoy with "no hope of prizes" to admiralty with, I assume, increased financial security. Too, I had thought Martha was the woman who retired with Jane, Cassandra, and their mother to Chawton, yet you name her as Frank's future wife--I am intrigued. The difficult position for the apparently short-lived Mary, too, as her husband sails out of her life highlights what I believe must have been the rather forlorn lot of a naval wife--how kind of Jane Austen to allow Anne (nee Elliot) Wentworth to "glory in being a sailor's wife" and the moviemakers to place Anne at Fredrick's side on his ship.
ReplyDeleteThank you for another beautifully researched narrative--Southampton and Portsmouth are vivid indeed, and your allusions to both the romantic and the desperately harsh elements of naval life complement what I've garnered from the Horatio series (though I admit reading only the beginnings and ends of Forestor's books to uncover Hornblower's port life--sacrilege, I'm sure).
Yes, Frank finally married Martha Lloyd (Jane and Cassandra had always thought there was a possibility of it, when the two were single and young) when they were both a great deal older. His first wife Mary died, as so many of Jane's sisters-in-law did, after the birth of her eleventh baby. Astounding that with all Frank's time at sea, she was so constantly pregnant. But there you are.
ReplyDeleteI supposed Frank and Mary made the most of the time that they had. :)
ReplyDeleteI re-read this book a number of times.